Fanning out across the floor of the Academy of Continuing Education, students danced, stretched and moved last week with the direction of a talented local dance company.
Many of the members were no strangers to the joy of dancing as participants in Community Access Unlimited’s annual musical production and other performing arts programs.
Four dancers and choreographer Carolyn Dorfman of Carolyn Dorfman Dance led the class, and two dancers wowed the crowd with a lift-heavy partner dance.
“It was good exercise,” said member Holly Joy Gore, who said it reminded her of her time as a gymnast.
“I used to do dance, so I kind of know what to do,” said another participant, Mel Werner.
Teacher and director of CAU’s annual musical and other arts performances Marguerite Modero was thrilled to have professional dancers offering the class.
“She was excellent,” Modero said. “I love it because it reinforces what we’re trying to do. It’s like an Aha! moment.”
Dorfman shared her passion for the individuality of dancers with the group, speaking about the body as an instrument that we all communicate with, whether we realize it or not.
“It’s been my life’s work to make dances of the human story,” she said.
The dance company incorporated classes and performances at local schools around the Dance Union Festival this month.
“We’re trying to come up with as many ways to as possible to increase access and exposure to our company to people with disabilities,” said Anita Thomas, executive director of Carolyn Dorfman Dance. “We’re trying to build our audience as broadly as possible.”
Thomas said that includes sticking to Americans with Disabilities Act standards and making sure performance venues are accessible.
Community Access Unlimited members engage in dance and performing arts throughout the year: in our summer musical, in classes at ACE, and at our cabaret and other concerts. Call Community Access Unlimited at (908)354-3050 to learn more!