CAU’s residential programs are licensed under the Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) N.J.A.C.10:44A standards and Department of Children & Family (DCF) chapter 53 standards. CAU remains in substantial compliance in all 61 licensed Group Homes/Supervised Apartment Programs, Out of Home Respite, and Emergency Capacity Service programs.
CARF, an independent, not-for-profit accrediting body, has awarded our residential and day programs with consecutive three-year accreditations since 2006. A three-year CARF accreditation is bestowed upon programs that demonstrate exceptional design and operation to benefit those served.
The accreditation applies to the following CAU programs and services:
- Community Housing: Mental Health (Adults)
- Community Housing: Mental Health (Children and Adolescents)
- Day Treatment: Psychosocial Rehabilitation (Adults)
- Supported Living: Mental Health (Adults)
- Community Employment Services: Employment Supports
- Community Employment Services: Job Development
CAU is a founding member of the Human Services Advisory Council and has working relationships with dozens of community organizations, including:
- NJ Association of Community Providers (NJACP)
- American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR)
- NJ Association of Children’s Residential Facilities
- New Jersey Alliance for Children, Youth and Families (NJACYF)
- National Independent Living Association (NILA)
- Families and Communities Together (FACT)
- Community Access Institute (CAI)
- Union County Human Services Advisory Council (HSAC)
CAU has a strong working relationship with Trinitas Regional Medical Center and has ties with AmeriCares to develop health education materials and training.
Our services are Medicaid approved.