CAU talks Advocacy and more on 106.7 Lite FM
CAU talks Advocacy and more on 106.7 Lite FM
March 23, 2020
Erin Jerome
Rebecca Kasen, Advocacy Director Disability advocacy, the Census, and CAU's response to COVID-19 were among the topics in CAU's interview this week on 106.7 Lite FM. Advocacy Director Rebecca Kasen spoke with host Nina del Rio. "We do feel like there is a strong presence in the state...
Our City: Check out a CAU interview with Elizabeth Mayor Chris Bollwage
February 27, 2020
Erin Jerome
We sat down with Elizabeth Mayor Chris Bollwage to talk all things CAU: from how we started, how our programs have expanded, and how the agency is navigating for the future. Joshua Bradley, our assistant executive director of quality assurance and training, shared that the agency's main focus...