Associate Executive Director of Residential Services

Anne Williams, Associate Executive Director of Residential Services


Anne Williams graduated from Georgian Court University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in Holistic Medicine. She began her career at Community Access Unlimited in May 2013, and over the years, she has had the privilege of serving in various supervisory roles within the organization. Starting as a Support Leader, she advanced to Assistant Director, then Director, followed by Assistant Executive Director, and now serves as an Associate Executive Director. In her current role, she oversees 29 group homes and supervised apartment settings, focusing on ensuring that the needs of the members are fully supported while encouraging their independence. Anne is dedicated to maintaining consistent standards across all programs to ensure compliance and foster an environment where members can thrive and become the best versions of themselves. She remains eager and committed to supporting the needs of the members and upholding the agency’s mission, ensuring a positive impact on their lives and in the community.